I just finished AngularJS 1: Building a Data-Driven App with Ray Villalobos. As usual with lynda.com courses, it was really great.
Learn from My Problems
I ran into a couple confusing problems. The first problem was with my test data and the filter query. I was searching for the first name or last name, and it appeared the search was not working. This was because the same email address (not shown on screen in this case) was used on all the dummy entries and was matching my query.
Another problem I ran into was with the last exercise for deleting love. I thought it was working fine, but then I noticed I was not able to delete an individual love item. If I had more than one love item, deleting one would delete them all. I’m pretty sure this was just an oversight since Ray included the “award” parameter in the function. You can add the “award” parameter from the “deleteLove” method onto your “refLove” Firebase reference (as shown below) and you’ll be able to delete individual loves.
$scope.deleteLove = function(checkinId, award) { var refLove = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL + 'users/' + $scope.whichuser + '/meetings/' + $scope.whichmeeting + '/checkins/' + checkinId + '/awards/' + award); var record = $firebaseObject(refLove); record.$remove(award); }; //deleteLove
Next up! I am going to try Watch and Code with Gordon Zhu. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be really excellent. I will report back after I finish the free sample!
Gordon Zhu says
Great post Eric! Let me know what you think about http://watchandcode.com/courses/angular-course/ and don’t hesitate to ask any questions as you go through the course.
Gordon Zhu says
Oh by the way. How’d you find out about Watch and Code?
Eric Gauvin says
Hmm. Can’t remember exactly. Must be googling for angular tutorials an courses. I’m pretty sure it was on the same page with boot camp.
Looking forward to working on it some more this weekend.
Thanks again for a great course.
Gordon Zhu says
Ahh I see makes sense. You’re welcome and talk soon!